Information about ICRon-MND


  Alžjóšleg mišstöš rannsókna į hreyfitauga sjśkdómum

International Center for Research on Motor Neuron Diseases




International Center for Research on Motor Neuron Diseases



Registered in Iceland, under license number 561112-0960




The International Center for Research on Motor Neuron Diseases (ICRon-MND) is a non-profit organisation, located in Reykjavķk, Iceland. It became a formal association in November 2012, created by individuals who recognized the need for increased research efforts to discover the causes of Motor Neuron Diseases.


The aims of the International Center for Research on Motor Neuron Diseases are:


1)    To promote medical and scientific research into MND, in collaboration with Icelandic and foreign scientists and medical professionals.

2)    To raise funds for MND research, from official as well as private sources.

3)    To administer research grants for the study of MND.

4)    To create and exchange scientific knowledge about all aspects of MND.

5)    To promote exact genetic diagnoses of Icelandic MND patents.

6)    To undertake MND research projects.



Board of the International Center for Research on Motor Neuron Diseases


Loftur Altice Žorsteinsson, MSc., MEd.

 Pétur Henry Petersen, PhD.

 Grétar Gušmundsson, MD.

 Pįll Ragnar Karlsson, PhD.


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